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The Honu GuaranteeUpdated 3 years ago

Honu paddleboards & paddles come with a 30-day risk-free return policy and our famous 4-years total-care manufacturers warranty

30-Day Risk-Free Returns

If your Honu products turn up and you don't love it, all you need to do is re-pack them into the original packaging and organise pickup by emailing support. As long as the item is in a new or unused condition, we will refund you in full upon receipt. This guarantee applies to all products.

4-Years Total-Care Warranty

We will repair or replace your board, new-for-old if there are any manufacturing issues. (e.g. loose seam, faulty valve, traction pad delamination).

If the issue can be easily fixed, we will arrange for this to be done quickly and conveniently for you. If we decide to replace the board a replacement will be dispatched immediately upon confirmation of the defect and warranty cover.

Product Registration

If you purchased your board directly from Honu, you do not need to register your board.

Register your board here: Product Registration


If your board is damaged and needs repair, we will support you to have the repair done to ensure your board stays on the water and out of the landfill. 

Upon confirmation of the damage, and valid purchase or registration, Honu will provide you with the spare parts and materials needed free of charge, plus send you the list of authorized repair centres that can carry out the work. 

Exclusions & Limitations

The following exclusions and limitations apply. 

  • Warranty is only provided to the original purchaser. 
  • Products must be registered, or purchased from Honu
  • Excludes the following parts & accessories 
    • Fins 
    • Pump and pump hose
    • Bag 
    • Leash


Making a Claim

If your Honu paddleboard has any issues, either warranty or repair-related, you can start a claim by sending an email based on your region.

Australia - Email: [email protected]

United States- Email: [email protected]

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